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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dancing Through the Midnight Whirlpool Formless

"Dionysian art wishes to convince us of the eternal delight of existence, yet it insists that we look for this delight not in phenomena but behind them. It makes us realize that everything that is generated must be prepared to face its painful dissolution. It forces us to gaze into the horror of individual existence, yet without being turned to stone by the vision.  A metaphysical solace momentarily lifts us above the whirl of shifting phenomena. For a brief moment, we become, ourselves, the primal Being, and we experience its insatiable hunger for existence. Now we see the struggle, the pain, the destruction of appearances as necessary, because of the constant proliferation of forms pushing into life, because of the extravagant fecundity of the world will. We feel the furious prodding of this travail in the very moment in which we become one with the immense lust for life and are made aware of the eternity and indestructibility of that lust. Pity and terror notwithstanding, we realize our great good fortune in having life---not as individuals, but as part of the life force with whose procreative lust we have become One."

---The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music, Friedrich Nietzsche

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